
This module contains the defined operators used to construct simple or more complex sql queries.

sqlalchemy_filters.operators.register_operator(cls: Optional[Type] = None, *, sql_operator: Optional[Callable] = None)

Register a class as an operator class.

  • cls – Registering an operator without providing a builtin SQLAlchemy builtin operator.

  • sql_operator – A sqlalchemy operator or a custom callable that acts as an sqlalchemy operator.


Decorator for the method BaseOperator.to_sql

Since TextClause does not support BinaryExpression as a left operand in SqlAlchemy 1.4, we revert the left/right sides of the operation


>>> # raises: unsupported operand type(s) for | TextClause and BinaryExpression
>>> text("1 = 1") | (column("x") == 1)

would change to:

>>> (column("x") == 1) | text("1 = 1")
class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: object

Base operator class.

Inherit from this class to create custom operators.

operator: Callable

sqlalchemy operator, but can also be any callable that accepts sql_expression handled by sqlalchemy operators

classmethod __init_subclass__(**kwargs)

This method is called when a class is subclassed.

The default implementation does nothing. It may be overridden to extend subclasses.

__init__(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)
sql_expression = None

Anything that can be used an operand for the sqlalchemy operators.

params: list

A list of parameters or operands for the operator

get_sql_expression() sqlalchemy.sql.elements.ClauseElement

Returns a ClauseElement depends on the sql_expression is


to_sql() sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression

Execute the operator against the database.

classmethod check_params(params: list) None

Validates the params.

Can be refined by subclasses to define a custom validation for params


params – operands for the operator.


InvalidParamError if checking failed.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.IsOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator

is sql operator.

to_sql() sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression

Execute the operator against the database.

class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.IsNotOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator

to_sql() sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression

Execute the operator against the database.

class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.IsEmptyOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator

to_sql() sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression

Execute the operator against the database.

class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.IsNotEmptyOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator

to_sql() sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression

Execute the operator against the database.

class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.INOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator

to_sql() sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression

Execute the operator against the database.

class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.EqualsOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator

to_sql() sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression

Execute the operator against the database.

class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.RangeOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator

classmethod check_params(params: list) None

Validates the params.

Can be refined by subclasses to define a custom validation for params


params – operands for the operator.


InvalidParamError if checking failed.

to_sql() sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression

Execute the operator against the database.

class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.LTEOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator

to_sql() sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression

Execute the operator against the database.

class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.LTOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator

to_sql() sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression

Execute the operator against the database.

class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.GTEOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator

to_sql() sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression

Execute the operator against the database.

class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.GTOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator

to_sql() sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression

Execute the operator against the database.

class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.AndOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator

to_sql() sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression

Execute the operator against the database.

class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.OrOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator

to_sql() sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression

Execute the operator against the database.

class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.ContainsOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator

to_sql() sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression

Execute the operator against the database.

class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.IContainsOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator


Execute the operator against the database.

class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.StartsWithOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator

to_sql() sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression

Execute the operator against the database.

class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.IStartsWithOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.StartsWithOperator


Execute the operator against the database.

class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.EndsWithOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator

to_sql() sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression

Execute the operator against the database.

class sqlalchemy_filters.operators.IEndsWithOperator(sql_expression: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.V, params: Optional[List[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.T]] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator

to_sql() sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression

Execute the operator against the database.


Modules defines the Filter and NestedFilter classes

class sqlalchemy_filters.filters.NestedFilter(filter_class: typing.Type[sqlalchemy_filters.filters.Filter], operator: typing.Type[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator] = <class 'sqlalchemy_filters.operators.AndOperator'>, outer_operator: typing.Optional[typing.Type[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator]] = None, flat: bool = True, data_source_name: typing.Optional[str] = None, marshmallow_schema=None)

Bases: object

NestedFilters are a way to use already defined filter classes as fields and build complex queries.

__init__(filter_class: typing.Type[sqlalchemy_filters.filters.Filter], operator: typing.Type[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator] = <class 'sqlalchemy_filters.operators.AndOperator'>, outer_operator: typing.Optional[typing.Type[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator]] = None, flat: bool = True, data_source_name: typing.Optional[str] = None, marshmallow_schema=None)
filter_class: Type[sqlalchemy_filters.filters.Filter]

The filter class that will be used as a NestedFilter field


How to join the inner fields of the filter_class

alias of sqlalchemy_filters.operators.AndOperator

outer_operator: Optional[Type[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator]]

Operator describes how to join the inner fields of the NestedFilter and the field of the parent filter If not defined the operator of the parent filter will be used

flat: bool = False

If True, means that the nested filter should get the value of its fields from root level of the data If False, the values will be extracted using either data_source_name if defined or the name of field in the parent filter:

>>> # data for the nested filter will be extracted from the key `custom_field`
>>> custom_field = NestedFilter(MyFilter, flat=False)
data_source_name: Optional[str] = None

key to look for the nested filter fields from the data, this is ignored if flat is True.

marshmallow_schema = None

Custom Marshmallow for validation


Return self==value.

get_data_source_name() str

key used to extract the data that will be used to validate and filter with.

get_data(parent_filter_obj: sqlalchemy_filters.filters.BaseFilter) dict

How to extract the data from the parent filter object.


parent_filter_obj – The parent filter object instance.


data that will be passed to the filter_class

apply(parent_filter_obj: sqlalchemy_filters.filters.BaseFilter)

Gets the data from the parent filter then apply the filter for the filter_class


parent_filter_obj – The parent filter object instance.


the sql expression that will be combined with parent_filter_obj’s inner fields.

__hash__ = None

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class sqlalchemy_filters.filters.BaseFilter(*, data: dict, operator: typing.Type[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator] = <class 'sqlalchemy_filters.operators.AndOperator'>, query=None, session=None, marshmallow_schema=None)

Bases: object

Base filter that any other filter class should inherit from.

fields: Dict[str, sqlalchemy_filters.fields.Field]

Fields declared using any class that inherits from Filter

nested: Dict[str, sqlalchemy_filters.filters.NestedFilter]


method_fields: Dict[str, sqlalchemy_filters.fields.MethodField]

Method fields

validated: bool

Flag to whether the data was validated or not

__init__(*, data: dict, operator: typing.Type[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator] = <class 'sqlalchemy_filters.operators.AndOperator'>, query=None, session=None, marshmallow_schema=None)
data: dict

Contains the original data passed to the constructor

validated_data: Dict

Contains the validated data extracted from data


Operator describing how to join the fields

alias of Type[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator]

session: Any = None

sqlalchemy session object

marshmallow_schema: Any = None

marshmallow schema class


Sets the query to the current filter object (called at the __init__() method).




Validate all NestedFilters fields.






Validates the data by calling validate of each field.

Each validated value is put back inside validated_data using the return of field method get_data_source_name as a key. That value will be used as as input to the operator of the corresponding field.






Calls validate_fields and validate_nested. If no error is raised, the validated attribute is set to True




list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Calls apply_filter of each field and join them using the defined operator


SQLAlchemy BinaryExpression


Calls apply filter of each field and join them using the defined operator


filters – The return value of apply_fields()


SQLAlchemy BinaryExpression


Calls apply_filter of each field and join them


filters – The return value of apply_fields()


SQLAlchemy BinaryExpression


Validates the data and applies all the fields.

This method can be used to get the sqlalchemy BinaryExpression without having to construct a SQLAlchemy Query object.


SQLAlchemy BinaryExpression


Order the query by the specified order_by in the Meta class :param query: SQLAlchemy Query object. :return: Ordered SQLAlchemy Query object.

paginate() sqlalchemy_filters.paginator.Paginator

Creates a paginator that does all the work to slice the queries into a Paginator object.


Return a Paginator


Applies all fields, then using that result to filter the query then apply the joining of any potentiel foreign keys.


SQLAlchemy Query object.

class sqlalchemy_filters.filters.Filter(*, marshmallow_schema: Optional[Type] = None, **kwargs)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.mixins.MarshmallowValidatorFilterMixin, sqlalchemy_filters.filters.BaseFilter

Filter class.

Makes use of MarshmallowValidatorFilterMixin to add the marshmallow validation capability.


This module defines all types of fields used by the filter classes.

class sqlalchemy_filters.fields.BaseField(*, field_name: typing.Optional[str] = None, lookup_operator: typing.Optional[typing.Type[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator]] = <class 'sqlalchemy_filters.operators.EqualsOperator'>, join: typing.Optional[typing.Union[typing.Any, typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]]] = None, custom_column: typing.Optional[sqlalchemy.sql.elements.ColumnClause] = None, data_source_name: typing.Optional[str] = None, allow_none: typing.Optional[bool] = False)

Bases: object

Base field class

__init__(*, field_name: typing.Optional[str] = None, lookup_operator: typing.Optional[typing.Type[sqlalchemy_filters.operators.BaseOperator]] = <class 'sqlalchemy_filters.operators.EqualsOperator'>, join: typing.Optional[typing.Union[typing.Any, typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any]]] = None, custom_column: typing.Optional[sqlalchemy.sql.elements.ColumnClause] = None, data_source_name: typing.Optional[str] = None, allow_none: typing.Optional[bool] = False) None
  • field_name

    Field name of the model, can also refer to a field in a foreign key.

    We don’t not have to specify it if that field name that’s defined with is the same as the model attribute

    >>> class MyFilter(Filter):
    >>>     # field1 is not a attribute/field of the model
    >>>     # hence we specified it explicitly
    >>>     field1 = Field(field_name="column")
    >>>     # field2 is an attribute/field of the model
    >>>     # we don't have to explicitly declare it
    >>>     field2 = Field()
    >>>     field3 = Field(field_name="foreign_model.attribute")
    >>>     ...

  • lookup_operator – The operator class used to join the fields filtering together. Can only be AndOperator or OrOperator.

  • join – A Model to join the query with, can also be a tuple. This will be passed to the join method of the SQLAlchemy Query object.

  • custom_column

    You can use a custom column to filter with. It can accept a string, a column or a Model


    >>> from sqlalchemy import column
    >>> class MyFilter(Filter):
    >>>     field1 = Field(custom_column="my_column")
    >>>     field2 = Field(custom_column=column("some_column"))
    >>>     field3 = Field(custom_column=MyModel.field)
    >>>     ...

  • data_source_name – The key used to extract the value of the field from the data provided.

  • allow_none – (default to False): If set to True it allows filtering with None values. But Only if the data contains the value None


Return self==value.

validate(value) Any

Validates the value


value – value extracted from the original data


Sanitized or original value


FieldValidationError if validation fails. This is used for custom validation.

get_data_source_name() str

Return the key to be used to look for the value of the field.


data – Data provided while instantiating the filter class (pre-validation: data)


The field value from the data, if not found it returns Empty class.


Extracts the value of the field from the validated_data.


filter_obj – The filter instance


The field value from the data, if not found it returns Empty class.

Applies the filtering part using the operator class and the value extracted using



filter_obj – The Filter instance


SQLAlchemy BinaryExpression

__hash__ = None

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class sqlalchemy_filters.fields.MethodField(*, method: Union[Callable, str], data_source_name=None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.fields.BaseField

Field used to delegate the filtering logic to a Filter method or a standalone function.


The MethodField does not provide any validation and consumes any values extracted from the data field.

__init__(*, method: Union[Callable, str], data_source_name=None)
  • method – A callable that accepts a single value which is the field value.

  • data_source_name – The key used to extract the value of the field from the data provided.

method: Callable
extract_method(filter_obj) Callable

Extracts the method from the filter instance if found, otherwise checks if method is a callable


filter_obj – the Filter instance


Callable used to apply the filtering part of the current field.


Extracts the value of the field from the data.


filter_obj – The filter instance


The field value from the data, if not found it returns Empty class.

class sqlalchemy_filters.fields.Field(*, field_name=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.mixins.ForeignKeyFieldMixin, sqlalchemy_filters.fields.BaseField

This is the Default field instance that can be instantiated as used as a filter field.

class sqlalchemy_filters.fields.TypedField(*, field_name=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.fields.Field

validate(value: Any) Any

Validates the value


value – value extracted from the original data


Sanitized or original value


FieldValidationError if validation fails. This is used for custom validation.

class sqlalchemy_filters.fields.IntegerField(*, field_name=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.fields.TypedField


alias of int

class sqlalchemy_filters.fields.DecimalField(*, field_name=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.fields.TypedField


alias of decimal.Decimal

class sqlalchemy_filters.fields.FloatField(*, field_name=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.fields.TypedField


alias of float

class sqlalchemy_filters.fields.StringField(*, field_name=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.fields.TypedField


alias of str

class sqlalchemy_filters.fields.BooleanField(*, field_name=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.fields.TypedField


alias of bool

class sqlalchemy_filters.fields.TimestampField(*, timezone=datetime.timezone.utc, **kwargs)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.fields.FloatField

__init__(*, timezone=datetime.timezone.utc, **kwargs)
  • field_name

    Field name of the model, can also refer to a field in a foreign key.

    We don’t not have to specify it if that field name that’s defined with is the same as the model attribute

    >>> class MyFilter(Filter):
    >>>     # field1 is not a attribute/field of the model
    >>>     # hence we specified it explicitly
    >>>     field1 = Field(field_name="column")
    >>>     # field2 is an attribute/field of the model
    >>>     # we don't have to explicitly declare it
    >>>     field2 = Field()
    >>>     field3 = Field(field_name="foreign_model.attribute")
    >>>     ...

  • lookup_operator – The operator class used to join the fields filtering together. Can only be AndOperator or OrOperator.

  • join – A Model to join the query with, can also be a tuple. This will be passed to the join method of the SQLAlchemy Query object.

  • custom_column

    You can use a custom column to filter with. It can accept a string, a column or a Model


    >>> from sqlalchemy import column
    >>> class MyFilter(Filter):
    >>>     field1 = Field(custom_column="my_column")
    >>>     field2 = Field(custom_column=column("some_column"))
    >>>     field3 = Field(custom_column=MyModel.field)
    >>>     ...

  • data_source_name – The key used to extract the value of the field from the data provided.

  • allow_none – (default to False): If set to True it allows filtering with None values. But Only if the data contains the value None

validate(value: Union[int, float]) datetime.datetime

Validates the value


value – value extracted from the original data


Sanitized or original value


FieldValidationError if validation fails. This is used for custom validation.

class sqlalchemy_filters.fields.BaseDateField(*, date_format: str = '%Y-%m-%d', is_timestamp=False, **kwargs)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.fields.TimestampField

__init__(*, date_format: str = '%Y-%m-%d', is_timestamp=False, **kwargs)
  • date_format – date_format that can be accepted by the datetime.strptime method.

  • is_timestamp – True if it’s intented to be used as a timestamp

  • kwargs

validate(value: Union[str, datetime.datetime, datetime.date, int, float]) datetime.datetime

Validates the value


value – value extracted from the original data


Sanitized or original value


FieldValidationError if validation fails. This is used for custom validation.

class sqlalchemy_filters.fields.DateTimeField(*, datetime_format: str = '%Y-%m-%d', **kwargs)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.fields.BaseDateField

__init__(*, datetime_format: str = '%Y-%m-%d', **kwargs)
  • date_format – date_format that can be accepted by the datetime.strptime method.

  • is_timestamp – True if it’s intented to be used as a timestamp

  • kwargs

validate(value: Union[str, datetime.datetime, datetime.date, int, float]) datetime.datetime

Validates the value


value – value extracted from the original data


Sanitized or original value


FieldValidationError if validation fails. This is used for custom validation.

class sqlalchemy_filters.fields.DateField(*, date_format: str = '%Y-%m-%d', is_timestamp=False, **kwargs)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.fields.BaseDateField

validate(value: Union[float, int, str, datetime.datetime, datetime.date]) datetime.date

Validates the value


value – value extracted from the original data


Sanitized or original value


FieldValidationError if validation fails. This is used for custom validation.


class sqlalchemy_filters.paginator.Paginator(query, page: int, page_size: int)

Bases: object

Utility class to help paginate through results of a SQLAlchemy query.

This is a 1-based index, meaning page=1 is the first page.

__init__(query, page: int, page_size: int)

True if the current has is not the last page .


True if the current has is not the first page .


If this current paginator is the last page, then this method will return the current one.


Paginator object


If this current paginator is the first page, then this method will return the current one.


Paginator object


Evaluates the query and returns the objects from the database.


Can be used to get the sliced version of the query without evaluating it


dictionary containing useful data in case of paginating through an API.


>>> paginator.to_json()
    "count": 111,
    "page_size": 10,
    "page": 2,
    "num_pages": 12,
    "has_next_page": True,
    "has_prev_page": True,

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


This module defined all exceptions used by the library.

exception sqlalchemy_filters.exceptions.BaseError

Bases: Exception

Base Exception for all exceptions.

exception sqlalchemy_filters.exceptions.InvalidParamError(message: str)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.exceptions.BaseError

Raised during the call of the check_params method of the Operator class.

exception sqlalchemy_filters.exceptions.FieldMethodNotFound(parent_filter: Type, field_name: str, method_name: str)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.exceptions.BaseError

Raised when a method specified using string is not found in the filter class.

exception sqlalchemy_filters.exceptions.FieldValidationError(message: Optional[str] = None)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.exceptions.BaseError

default_error: str = 'error validating this field.'

default error message

set_field_name(field_name: str) None

sets field_name


field_name – The field name of the errored field name.



json() Dict[Optional[str], str]

Converts the error into a dictionary {field_name: error_message} :return: dict

exception sqlalchemy_filters.exceptions.FilterValidationError(field_errors: List[sqlalchemy_filters.exceptions.FieldValidationError])

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.exceptions.BaseError

field_errors: List[sqlalchemy_filters.exceptions.FieldValidationError]

List of FieldValidationError

json() List[Dict[Optional[str], str]]

Jsonify all the sqlalchemy_filters.exceptions.FieldValidationError exceptions


List of dictionary representing the errors for each field


>>> exc.json()
    {"age": "Expected to be of type int"},
    {"last_name": "Expected to be of type str"}

exception sqlalchemy_filters.exceptions.OrderByException

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.exceptions.BaseError

Raised when trying to order by a field that does not belong to the filter’s model.

exception sqlalchemy_filters.exceptions.FilterNotCompatible(class_name, model, base_filter)

Bases: sqlalchemy_filters.exceptions.BaseError

Raised when trying to inherit from a filter(or used as a NestedFilter) with different model.